Have you ever stood in the supermarket aisle looking at the back of a packet of snacks? How much sugar is in this? How much salt? Preservatives? What even IS that ingredient? Why are there so many mini plastic bags? Read how Laura saw a demand in the market for clean, wholefoods snacks for your toddler.

Isaac’s Snacks was founded by Bayside mum Laura Allan. She was tired of standing in the supermarket aisle, looking at the back of snacks and not understanding what she was looking at… Long ingredients lists, preservatives, high sugar content, dried puffs – why were there no healthy, real-food snacks for kids? And why was nothing made in Australia?

Having always been focused on health and wellness, Laura was regularly baking homemade snacks for her little boy Isaac at home. She decided to start selling some at local markets and to friends, who were also searching for better alternatives for their little ones.
Once she saw how much demand there was for a real food snack brand for kids, she developed the range and started selling in stores.
Her mission is to help make life just a little easier for parents. With kids needing snacks or lunchbox fillers daily, the Isaac’s Snacks range provides on-the-go, nutritious, wholefood snacks for all kids from toddlers to teenagers.
It provides complete transparency on ingredients (just 8 ingredients or less) and total trust in a locally made brand, providing a better choice.
With obesity a growing concern in Australia, it has been found that issues with food and weight in later life are rooted in poor eating habits that begin from 12 to 24 months. High-calorie snacks profoundly affect a child’s later eating habits and, ultimately, weight.
We all want our children to be happy, healthy, thriving and at their absolute best. What we are putting into their bodies is a huge part of this and in our crazy busy lives can be difficult to get right.
Isaac’s Snacks is a better, easier choice – just real, yummy food in snack form. Great for every little body!
Available in store now!!